Sunday, October 26, 2003

We got a new entertainment system for free!! YAY! No more ugly wires! The unit is a little on the too small side but it holds everything much nicer than the old piece of crud we had before. It's from Ikea and my boss had bought it a long time ago for some show. They decided they didn't want it so it was just sitting in her van for ages. So we took it off her hands. Sooooo much cleaner and not falling apart which is great. One day we'll have a desk too. That'll be nifty.

The boy and I spent the day driving around in the van dropping props off here and there. I was pretty well exhausted so was happy with just sitting in the passenger seat barking out directions that I didn't know.

Didn't have to work at the va va last nite. I have to say, that was most excellent and most needed. I finally got a breather last nite and the boys and I watched hours and hours of Mr. Show. I'd never seen it before and they insisted it was hilarious....they were right. My bro got a copy of the dvd so we watched 10 episodes (1st and 2nd season) and just sat around and laughed. What a way to spend a saturday nite. Sooooooo relaxing.

Today I shall sit around on my ass guilt free. I worked 7 days out of the week and Im proud. Now i just have to make sure I can make it through to the next show which isn't until december. *sigh* Craigs list, here I come.