Saturday, October 25, 2003

A good friend of ours leaves today for at least a year. Of course I am sad to see Durky go. Especially since he is one of our only honest to goodness no b.s. friends. But I am also super super excited for him. This is something he's had coming for awhile in the karma department. Things have been rough and he's waded it all out. Now he gets to go to Florida and stay in a great place near the ocean and he gets to bring his kitties. Free room and board with cable and all that, plus a great gig of course. Im going to miss him so much. We'll just have to save up money to meet him sometime.

After work yesterday I hopped on the train to meet the boy over at Durky's house for a going away get together. We watched wrestling tapes and played with wrestling figures. Durky has an enormous collection. He's watched since the very beginning of wrestling time. Mostly we watched Stone Cold Steve Austin, our collective favorite. Ever see the one where he beats up Booker-T in a grocery store? It's hilarious!

Durky want's us to take care of all his wrestling videos while he's gone. Uh oh.

Geez, Im going to miss him.

Work was alright yesterday. I got there around two and we loaded out a ton of props for Bobbi Boland. Then we continued working on some of the unfinished pieces. My boss and I went a little crazy and got really silly as we stretched fabric over these 6 foot? valances. It's amazing what you start giggling about after you've been working for so long. By the end I had string caught up in my hat that we called squid, my boss banged her head on the point of one of the valances, we decided we were the "poo police" (poo being anything dirty that got on the gorgeous fabric we were stretching) and our stomachs were killing us from the non stop giggling. It's really great to have your boss also be a pal. It really works because there's no forgetting she's my boss but we're able to goof around while we're working together and get the stuff done.

Today I'll sit around a lot. Have to go load in some stinky props for Epic around 5. Still don't know if Im Va Va Vooming tonite because the club over booked us. My boss there is trying to get us in for midnite. Oy. Guess that means I'll be napping a lot today.