Monday, October 20, 2003

Sometimes the boy gets up early for work. Sometimes he tells me when Im still half asleep right before he leaves that he fed the kitties. However, though he did say that this morning, I made my coffee to an especially strong symphony of meows. So I went ahead and fed them. And these are my morning dilemmas. Usually the dilemma's involve half and half or lack of coffee, but those are bad days and we don't talk about them.

The boy and I went to dinner at a friend's house last nite. It was most excellent as our hosts prepared home-made pasta and fresh shrimp with an oh-so-tasty tomato sauce. We were totally spoiled in other words.

Other than that, it was just a regular sunday. We sat around, I on my computer, he with is football. Today I believe Im working. Still haven't received the phone call. Gotta love living like this. No, truly. Gotta love it.

I shall grace you with a short entry for today.
*sighs of relief*