Sunday, November 23, 2003

Started off the morning with the dsl being down again. Yay. Those are good times. So I decided to have my morning coffee and clean out my computer. I swear, I don't know how some of these things get on here. OH well, all clean now and I actually have just over a gig of room again! *rejoice*

I also woke up with the urge to clean and Im going to have to take advantage of that motivation very soon. The boy is out driving for the boss today so I have plenty of room to clean and get fussy with it.

Had lunch/dinner...linner? dunch? with the neighbor last nite. It was fantastic. He prepared homemade fried rice, pork for the three of us and tofu (bean turd) for the bro. Then we snuggled in to a couple of hours of cable television. What a treat!

I didn't end up having to work at the Va Va last nite. I have no idea when their next show is. They said maybe next weekend but Im assuming that as long as Stella is there, we'll be out. They ate into our time last performance and it put a sour taste in our mouths. I hate showing up on time and then having to wait around an extra hour so it's fine with me that we didn't go on. FYI...Stella is the comedy show that the writers and a couple of performers from the The State put together.

So...of to the land of orange cleaner and nasty hairballs! Wish me luck because I will certainly need it. Let's hear it for old brooklyn apartments that never come clean!