Saturday, February 14, 2004

well it's valentine's day again. Ive never been to thrilled with this day. I really only remember one good one where I recieved a rose and a special poem written just for me. Other than that I remember being stood up on 2 of them and generally disliking the rest of them. I remember a friend and I spent valentines day driving around, going to the diner and being very anit-valentine. We even cursed the trees for being in pairs that night. Ah well, what can a girl do? I think I feel sort of indifferent this year. It takes too much energy to hate it anymore.

Work has been going smoothly. Ive been multi-tasking the lamp shades into my nightly routine which has proved to be a pain in the butt in the new space. The props shop is directly across from the theatre doors, however, due to the openness of the theatre I have to go down a flight of steps, walk a long hallway and back up another flight of steps to get backstage. The stage manager gets worried Im going to miss my cues so he sends the poor boy to come get me long before I need to be there. Luckily this week I had plenty of time to work on them but in weeks to come who knows if I'll have the time. There are sometimes weeks where we constantly have to be ready to do quick changes (costumes) and scene changes and in that case I'll have to come to work hours early to work on the shades.

Anyhow, today is our first matinee day of the season and tonight will be our first strike. Good times.