Thursday, February 12, 2004

Opening nite went off without a hitch. Very smooth, full house, speech from Mr. Lipton, la dee da. It was really nice to be a part of opening up the new theatre. It's such a simple week that we're all running around wondering what we've missed. It's very easy to get thrown off course when you only have about 20 props to deal with. We spend most of the set up process saying "Are we suuuure we're set up?"

The boy and I are loving being off the rush hour clock again. We always score a seat on the train now and get to point and laugh at all the people who get on at wall street. Muuuhahahahah.

So far the boy doesn't have to work during the day today but things could change in an instant. Im sure he won't even get out of bed until it's time to go to work tonight. Time to get used to the snoring sound again.