Thursday, February 05, 2004

• Cats almost never meow at another cat. They use this sound to communicate with humans.

I found this on a fun facts about cats type page. If this is the case, then what the hell are they talking about all the time? Mine imparticular are like the huskies of the cat world. They are constantly mrphing, meowing, mumbling and yelling around the house. I can tell when it's a food thing cause they do certain other things when it's about food. Sid jumps up on my desk and will stand in front of the computer monitor until someone goes to the kitchen to feed them. Joey just comes and sits right in front of me and yells. I mean yell too, not just a little meow. YELLS!

When they're playing they talk a lot too. I assumed they were communicating with eachother but perhaps they're telling us to come play too.

And if that's true, then how do you explain the two cats the boy and I had to scare off a couple weeks ago. They were just sitting outside under the next door neighbors fire escape meowing. Staring at eachother..and meowing. It was very strange.