Friday, November 07, 2003

Mornings like this are a pain in the ass. This is one of those mornings where all three of us (the boy, the bro and myself) have to be up and out the door at the same time. It's one of those mornings where we have to share the bathroom. It's one of those mornings where I usually get a little cranky but I have to somehow make it go away because they're both up and Im trying really hard not to make them cranky as well. This is just one of those mornings.

Nothing happened yesterday. Nothing much at all. We sat at home. Made one trip to the grocery store. I did the dishes but they piled right back up after dinner.

Oh yeah, our microwave broke so now we're without gas and without a microwave. We're gonna have to go ahead and splurge obviously and get ourselves a new one right away. In a way, I was totally thrilled it busted because we desperately needed a new one and this just forces us to do it.

Now we're all almost off to work. Have a good day.