Monday, January 12, 2004

I was downloading music yesterday when suddenly I got stumped. There was this song I wanted to hear but I couldnt remember the name of it or the singer. This happens often in my brain so Ive gotten rather use to it. Now, I knew I could figure out what song it was as long as I could come up with the singer's name but it just wasn't coming to me. It became clear I was going to have to go to the boy for this one.

"Hey hon, Im trying to think of a particular song and singer but I can't remember either."

"How does it go."

"I cant remember. But it's one of those singers, you know? ((I put on my lowest man voice and say...)) buuuuuuuuh , you're sexy baaaaby, come 'eeere."

"Ah, Barry White."

"That's it, thanks."

Then a slight pause as I turn to type it in before the boy and I turn to eachother again and begin cracking up. So now, whenever you hear someone say in a low, fake sultry man voice "Buuuuuu, you're sexy baaaaaby, come 'ere." you know they're talking about Barry White.