Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Here we are again. What a pleasure it is. I decided to set my watch to atomic time this morning. I was told my computer automatically grabs it once every day? week? Im not sure, but anyhow, I wanted to test it out and sure 'nough, it was right. Official U.S. Time

According to official US time it's 6:06 in the morning. Because just then I had to flick my eyes around the computer screen looking for the time to tell you, in fact, what time it was...i know OFFICIALLY that it is too early.

Ive resigned myself to wearing the big puffy blue jacket that makes me look like a blueberry and is large enough that I can't tell where it is at all times and I tend to knock things over. But it's effin freazing up state. Route 84 had signs saying maximum speed was 35 due to icy conditions.

Now the cat is puking.

Good morning.