Thursday, December 18, 2003

Like any other thursday, today I will be working on lamp shades. As far as I know, my boss as returned from Russia but I havent heard from her yet. Im sure as soon as she needs me in an hour, she'll give me a good half hours notice. We'll see.

The weather has been just awful. The rain yesterday was nasty and unwelcome. The sun is shining bright today but it's freezing outside. Im sure there's some surprise rain storm creeping up on us now. The flood warnings have been a plenty. Luckily we live on the top floor of a building that was strategically placed on a down slope so we dont really see any of the effects of flooding. However, apparently some folks out in NJ and elsewhere near by are getting flooded right out of their homes.

It's a week until christmas ladies and gentlemen. Have you got your presents ready? We dont, but we have a good excuse...we're broke. Weeeee. Anyone want to take care of a couple cats for a couple days? Yeah, I didnt think so.

Happy Holidays.