Monday, November 11, 2002

my thoughts are nothing but a jumble. that's all they've been for a week. I dont think Ive been able to put any of it together.

Damn, im always so fuckin vague. ah well. Today is what usually is my day off but for some unknown reason I gave that up this week. Im soooo wiped out and I have to work. Why the hell am I already up? Oh. Nevermind,i know why.

So im the kind fo person who likes something for a few minutes and then I drop it. Anyone know why? Why do I keep asking questions? Shit, there I go again. Fah Lah. My fingers are sticky from the coffee I just made. Got a little sugar on the tip of my finger. Seriously my eyes are barely open. I think Im doing it on purpose. Okay, honestly, i dont know what Im doing here. I cant get a single thing out of my head. I cant make any sense about my thoughts. The news is pretty interesting today. They're talking about the soldiers that were lost on Black Sunday that are still considered MIA but some anthropologists found their stuff. That's pretty effin cool. Ive been had a headache off and on for the last two days. That's kind of weird since I dont ever really get headaches. My mom used to get migraines a lot. Arent they hereditary? Well I havent gotten one yet. Sometimes I wonder where people that used to be in my life are now. There's people that I used to spend every day with that I havent seen in over 6 years. Dont even have a clue where they are. I actually did that thing and the funny thing is, i hated high school Didnt like college much either. The school I went to though was about the size of a high school. Didnt help matters. But hey, i finished. It's been over a year since I graduated. I still have strange thoughts about college. Sometimes I wonder what thoughts are real and which ones Ive made up or embelished. Bits of my child hood that I "remember" are mostly from video tapes. We had one of those vcr/camera deal where you had to carry around part of the vcr in a bag to video tape. It's pretty cool. The camera is pretty much the size of the vcr too. Pretty nuts. My stomach is growling.
"Grrrrrrrrrowl." Says my stomach.
So Harry Potter is coming out. I cant wait to see it. yeah I know, I dont seem like the kind of gal who would be into that shite. Its funny, a boss of mine who has a friend who works for Scholastic insisted that I read the books. Insisted that they were worth it. He got me a copy of the first one for free and I dont exactly remember what happened but I read all 4 that are out within about a weeks time. If you havent read them cause you were like me and thought, fuck harry potter, then trust me. Give it a chance. Even if you're not much of a reader. That old boss of mine was right, I loved them. Great writing.
Last year I saw Lord of the Rings before I saw the Harry Potter movie. Dont do that this year if you can help it. It's depressing. I was so looking forward to Harry Potter but the graphics in comparison were laughable. Oh, not to mention the same damn song playing over and over and over again in HP.
Why in the damn hell am I talking about Harry Potter? I think Im possessed.
Okay, im done.
Gonna go read up on something highly spiritual and not make any sense of it. Should be fantastic.
Until next time my friends. Or whoever the hell you are.